Solvo-Bil definition

contains high concentration of Sulfur and Potassium in the high soluble liquid form.

  • It contains sulfur per molecule size in the angstrom range, when applied it will creates a layer on the leaves of the plant from sulfur which creates a protection layer for plants, where it is spread uniformly chemically not physically like other forms of sulfur.
  • Protect the plants from the pests: powdery mildew, leaf miners and mites.
  • Prevents and cure physiopathologies of Potassium deficiencies (leaf margin and collar tip burn)
  • Improve the Quality and productivity of fruits.
  • Solvo-Bil: Improve the color and size of fruits. Increase the dry matter, sugar contents and aromatic substances of the fruits


Nutrients Nutrient percent
Potassium (K2O) 36%

Application Rate

Crop Foliar spray
Vegetables 250-400 ml , once every 2 weeks
Fruit trees 350-500 ml , once every 2 weeks
Olives 350-500 ml, start from fruit set , repeat every 4 weeks
Field crops 200-250 ml, 3 times among the season


Not compatible with most fertilizers and pesticides in common use . it’s recommended that preliminary tests provided with small mixtures, prior to final mix

Storage conditions

keep out of children – keep in cold dry place – keep product in its original package


3 years from manufacturing date

Ministry of Agriculture registration number 18972
date of registration 03/01/2022
Batch number eg022022
Production Date MAR 2022


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