
مركب سمادى سريع التاثير والامتصاص و يعمل المركب على تصحيح نقص عنصر الكالسيوم والماغنسيوم فى النبات وكذلك زيادة قوة وصلابة الجدر الخلوى و الانسجة النباتية.

Definition of Bingo-Bil

Bingo-Bil is calcium, boron and magnesium sugar alcohol and organic acid complex .

  • Bingo-Bil design for foliar application on plants to prevent or correct calcium, boron and magnesium deficiencies.
  • Bingo- Bil Improves fruit quality, stunted growth and shelf-life.
  • Bingo Bil contains Calcium which is the trucker of all minerals and it governs cell strength and cell division.
  • Bingo-Bil Improves pollination. Improves chlorophyll contents in the leaves. Strengthen crop’s resistance against stresses, pests and diseases infection
  • Bingo-Bil is effective in preventing bitter pit, blossom end rot and fruit cracking
  • The small molecular size of the sugar alcohol carrier together with the spreading and penetrating agents, ensures optimum absorption through the leaf into the phloem and xylem for efficient trans-location to the active photosynthetic sinks.


Nutrients Nutrient percent form
Nitrogen (N) 10,2% weight/volume
calcium 15% weight/volume
magnesium(MgO) 2% weight/volume
boron (B) 0,2% weight/volume

Dose and application

Foliar application : 150 ml per 100 liter of water.

Fertigation : 2-3 liter per Fadden

Compatibility : Not compatible with most fertilizers and pesticides in common use . it’s recommended that preliminary tests provided with small mixtures, prior to final mix

Storage conditions : keep out of children – keep in cold dry place – keep product in its original package

Validity : 3 years from manufacturing date

Ministry of Agriculture registration number 18597
date of registration 10/11/2021
Batch number eg032022
Production Date MAR 2022


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